• Fire Safety Instructors Course (Lantra Accredited)


    Upon completion of this course the learner should have the relevant skills and knowledge to train instructors to fire safety in Ireland, it will also give the a learner relevant legislative updates to their existing qualification and be considered as 8 hours of continuous professional development.
    The learner should be able to understand the basic requirements of the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 as it applies to employers and employees.


    By the end of this programme the learner will:
    • Demonstrate the transfer of subject theory to learners. (Subject knowledge Check)
    • Demonstrate the transfer of practical demonstration of basic fire Equipment, selecting and pre user inspection of equipment to learners. (Equipment knowledge check)
    • Demonstrate the process of teaching adults by given a presentation of a small section of the program to the class. (Motivation, Teaching techniques, Classroom layout)
    • Be familiar with the relevant legislation
    • Recognise the dangers of fire and fire spread
    • Select appropriate control measures
    • Correctly select equipment
    • Train operatives in pre-use inspections / use
    • Explain the evacuation plan

    Entry Requirements
    A current fire awareness/safety/warden certificate with a practical of fire equipment (extinguishers/blanket)
    Proven track record of delivering training in a relevant discipline or a Train the Trainer qualification
    Employer's endorsement of competency to deliver training in this field

    Profile of Learner
    The Programme is aimed at instructors and potential instructors. A lot is covered in a short period of time on the programme and will require commitment and dedication from the participant. The programme involves a lot of interaction and requires participants to involve themselves in the practical exercises.
    Learners with disabilities or special needs must inform us in advance of programme so that suitable arrangements can be made

  • Fire Warden Training

    1 Day Course