Safety Training
This course is designed to meet the requirements for working safely in confined spaces in line with the Confined Space Regulations 2001, code of practice 2010 along with other key legislation.
Course Content:
Learning Outcomes To enable delegates to understand and effectively comply with the relevant legislation and regulations associated with confined space working in low risk areas. They will be trained to understand how to safely select, use, visually inspect and maintain confined space equipment, enter and work safely in low risk confined spaces and act on an emergency ensuring that arrangements are in place. This will include:
- Prepare to enter and work safely in low risk confined spaces
- Enter and exit confined spaces safely
- Use equipment and tools safely and in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions
- Follow procedures and work safely
- Deal with emergencies
- Use appropriate behaviour for working in low risk confined spaces in the specific industry
- Use appropriate industry knowledge for working in low risk confined Spaces
- Apply relevant industry standards for working in low risk confined spaces
Course Content
- Introduction to course
- Health and safety overview
- Confined space regulations
- Hazardous Environments
- Gas and environment monitoring
- Risk assessments and Method Statements
- Personal protective equipment
- Safety equipment
- Safe entry procedures
- Safe working procedures
- Safe exit procedures
- Emergency arrangements
- Practical exercise
- Company/industry specific confined space policy and procedures.
Delivery Method A combination of classroom based activity, syndicate working and Presentation/demonstrations, practical application and question and answer paper. A wide range of video and photographic material is used to enhance the learning experience for delegates.
Course Duration
1 day (7 hours). For delegates with no confined space experience 2 days will be requiredNumber of Delegates
City and Guilds Low Risk certificate