Colm O Raghallaigh is Managing Director of Trenchcontrol Ltd and Shorcontrol Safety Ltd. He previously spent 13 years working for the Smurfit Kappa Group in Ireland. Colm holds a Master of Business Studies from NUIG, and an M.Sc. in Organisation Behaviour from Trinity College Dublin. He recently completed the M.Sc. in Occupational Safety and Health at UCD. Colm joined Trenchcontrol/Shorcontrol Safety in 2001, and is also a director of Citrus Training Group in the UK. colm@trenchcontrol.ie

Fiona Spillane is General Manager at Shorcontrol Safety. She joined Shorcontrol Safety in March 2008 having spent 16 years with the Smurfit Kappa Group. She holds a BA Degree, H-Dip in Education from UCD and a Higher Diploma in Business Studies from the Smurfit Business School at UCD. She has responsibility for the overall day to day management of the company and is the face to face contact with clients. fiona@safety.ie

Stephen Magee is the Senior Occupational Hygienist in Shorcontrol Safety and holds the Certificate of Operational Competence in Occupational Hygiene from the British Occupational Hygiene Society, along with a Master’s Degree in Applied Acoustics, a Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control and a BSc in Applied Physics from DCU. He is a member of the Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland and the Institute of Acoustics. He has over ten years of experience performing occupational hygiene work in Ireland and the UK. stephen@safety.ie

Declan Fitzpatrick is a Director at Shorcontrol Safety. He initially joined Trench Control as an operative in 1992. He was invited to set up Shorcontrol Safety as its first member of staff. Declan has responsibility for the workshop and safety equipment sold, hired and serviced at Shorcontrol Safety. He is a qualified Confined Spaces trainer, and delivers a number of programmes for the company. He holds a Diploma in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work awarded from U.C.D. He is a chartered safety practitioner recognised by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Declan is qualified to deliver and assess all City & Guilds confined space programmes, CSCS Signing lighting and guarding, CSCS Location of underground services, Trench Support training & Solas Safe Pass. declan@safety.ie

John Kelly is the Training Manager at Shorcontrol Safety and has responsibility for all matters relating to training, development, and the management of external trainers. He joined in December 2007 from Magna Donnelly Electronics where he was the Health and Safety Executive and Training Manager for 21 years. John holds a BSc in Safety and Health Management (UCD) and a Diploma in Training and Development (IITD). He is qualified QQI Occupational First Aid Instructor, City & Guilds confined space instructor and assessor, as well as an ergonomics assessor, Manual Handling instructor and provides wide variety of Consultancy Services. He is also a Chartered Member of IOSH and delivers the IOSH Managing Safely and Working Safely courses on behalf of Shorcontrol Safety. john@safety.ie

Angela Byrne is the Quality, Health & Safety Manager at Shorcontrol Safety. She joined the team in January 2023 having spent over 9 years at Magna International primarily within Quality Assurance roles. She holds an MPhil in Intercultural Theology, a BA (Hons) in Humanities, Certified ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor, a Green Belt in Lean Management, Certified PHECC First Responder, IOSH Safety, Health, & Environment for Construction Site Managers, and holds Level 6 awards in Applied Strategic Management, Quality and Operations Management, Purchasing Strategy, Quality Core Tools, and Problem Solving. Angela has studied at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), St. Patricks College Carlow, Southeast Technological University (SETU), Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), SQT and SMMT industry Forum UK. She is responsible for managing the quality, healthy and safety managing systems within the company. Abyrne@safety.ie

Brian Irvin is the Telesales Manager for Shorcontrol Safety Ltd, responsible for the Telesales Team meeting daily and monthly sales targets. Brian has many years experience in telesales and most notable in Telesales Management before joining Shorcontrol in 2016. birvin@safety.ie

Louise Byrne is the Training Administrator Manager and has responsibility for Training Administration and liaises with professionals on course development, monitoring and verifying adherence to both our quality system and the external awarding bodies requirements. She joined Shorcontrol in December 2022, coming with a background in Quality Assurance and Business Development within an awarding organisation. Louise holds a qualification in trainin , along the Level 6 in External Quality Assurance in Policies and Procedures and a Level 6 in Internal Quality Assurance. She sits on the Academic committee and Quality committee within Shorcontrol Safety lbyrne@safety.ie

Catherine Healy is an Occupational Hygienist at Shorcontrol Safety. Catherine holds a PhD in Occupational Health & Hygiene from UCG, a BOHS Diploma in Professional Competence in Occupational Hygiene, a MSc in Health & Safety Ergonomics and a BSc in Environmental Science andTtechnology coupled with over 8 years practical experience in health , safety and environmental roles. She is on the council of the Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland and has articles published in many of the top occupational hygiene research journals. Catherine is responsible for carrying out noise, dust, chemical & thermal analysis for our clients. chealy@safety.ie

Orla McCann is an Occupational Hygienist at Shorcontrol Safety Ltd. She holds an Honours Degree in Occupational Health and Safety which she completed in Sligo Institute of Technology and carries out a number of surveys on site including Noise, Dust and Chemicals. Orla is a member of both the British and Irish Occupational Hygiene Societies Omccann@safety.ie

Liam Horgan joined the Occupational Hygiene team in 2022. He holds a BSc in Environmental Science from UCC and a MSc in Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety from NUIG. During his studies, he was involved in the ARDEN project in NUIG, which investigated how energy retrofitting homes affected indoor air quality, ventilation and thermal comfort. lhorgan@safety.ie

Debbie Coombes is the Occupational hygiene administrator. Debbie has qualifications in Business studies and computer applications and over a decade of experience in similar roles. Her role is to ensure the smooth running of an increasingly busy department, with responsibility for sample handling, including ordering media, maintaining chains of custody, and organising transit, as well as providing an important liaison role between clients and consultants. ohadmin@safety.ie

Chris Treacy joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2015 as a Field Service Engineer with responsibility for the installation, service, repairs and calibrations for both fixed gas and portable gas systems. He ran his own electrical business for the previous 15 years and has just completed a Level 6 Instrumentation and Process Control Certificate from Carlow IT. Chris holds certificates in calibration of fixed and portable gas instruments, confined space entry certificate, safe pass and working at heights. ctreacy@safety.ie

Emma Seawell is the service administrator for Shorcontrol Safety. She manages the schedule for the service technicians, orders any spare parts that may be required and is responsible for the recall system. Emma notifies clients that their equipment is due calibration and coordinates suitable dates for the client. Emma also issues the certificates to the relevant personnel and is a point of contact for any replacement certificates or details on past calibrations. Emma@safety.ie

Aisling Connolly heads up the Safety Store at Shorcontrol Safety. Aisling has over 10 years’ experience in hardware retail and joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2014. She manages the equipment sales desk and is the internal point of contact for clients wishing to buy or hire our equipment. Aisling is also a QQI Manual Handling instructor at Shorcontrol Safety and holds a certificate in Face Fit testing. She recently completed a QQI Certificate in Leadership and Management, a certificate in Environmental Noise from the Institute of Acousics and an IOSH certificate in Managing Safely aisling@safety.ie

Martin McGuirk and his team work in our Service & calibration workshop. Martin has over 12 year’s experience working with Breathing Apparatus, Gas detection and Working at Heights equipment. He also trains at Shorcontrol Safety in the areas of Breathing Apparatus, Working at Heights and Abrasive Wheels. martin@safety.ie

Darren Balzanelli is a gas technician with Shorcontrol Safety, calibrating and servicing portable gas detectors at our manufacturer's approved workshop. Darren also inspects working at heights equipment and maintains the Shorcontrol Safety breathing apparatus fleet. DBalzanelli@safety.ie

Alan Moran is a service technician with Shorcontrol Safety, inspecting, servicing and calibrating PPE for both the Shorcontrol Safety training and hire fleet and the clients' equipment Amoran@safety.ie

Ann Mahfoud works in administration at Shorcontrol Safety and is responsible for all training invoicing for the company. Ann@safety.ie

Malgorzata Kotlarz is the current SOLAS verifier for Shorcontrol Safety. Maggie joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2022 having worked in a previous administration role in the healthcare sector. Maggie prepares all precourse and verifies and processes all post course paperwork relating to CSCS courses. She has excellent attention to detail and great knowledge around the whole administration departnent in the company

Chloe Smullen joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2019 and is responsible for preparation all all precourse training material. She also processes post course material and organises external accreditation when applicable. chloe@safety.ie
Tori Fennessy joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2023 and is responsible for preparation all all precourse training material. She also processes post course material, arranges certificates to be sent to learmers and collates all information around candidate packs for CSCS courses. tfennessysafety.ie
Claire McNamee joined the administration department in Shorcontrol Safety in 2023 and moved to the sales team in late 2024.Claire looks after the requirements of some of our largest clients on a day by day basis. cmcnamee@safety.ie

Nuala Pollard works in the Shorcontrol Safety sales department. Her long career in sales is very evident by her obvious experience , professionalism and enthusiasm in dealing with our clients. Nuala’s reputation precedes her at Shorcontrol Safety and is very familiar and friendly voice to many of our clients. Nuala@safety.ie

Andy Lowe is a QQI level 6 Manual Handling Instructor and a RoSPA Accredited Abrasive Wheels Instructor. Andy trains delegates nationwide on these disciplines. He holds a certificate of competence in Ergonomics from the British Occupational Hygiene Society and he regularly carries out VDU/DSE Assessments around the country. Andy also hold a QQI Level 6 Train the trainer cert from IITD. He also works in the sales office generating new clients and looking after existing clients. Alowe@safety.ie

Chris Beatty is part of the Shorcontrol Safety internal sales team. His day to day duties in sales involves coordinating training courses for our clients along with filling places on our public courses. Chris is also a QQI Manual handling Instructor for Shorcontrol Safety. chris@safety.ie

Magda Krzyszkowska joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2023 from the packaging & distribution industry and has worked tirelessly building her client base since then. Magda's organisational skills, determination and drive has led to her clients returning over and over again. Tel: 045 988541 Email: Magda@safety.ie

James Walsh joined Shorcontrol Safety in 2022 with over 10 years experience in customer service. James is based in our sales office and concentrates on new business development and has steadily built his own portfolio of clients since becoming part of the teamJwalsh@safety.ie